Need tech help with your move to Portugal?

Bring your American cell phone to Portugal
Schedule a 30 minute online call to find out how - €65 *
A 30-minute call to review your options for porting your current USA phone number to a low-cost carrier and how to keep both your USA phone number and your new Portuguese phone number on the same phone. Schedule now!* - Price includes 23% Portuguese value-added tax

General technology review
30-minute online call to answer your tech questions before you move to Portugal - €65 *
Have some general questions about taking your tech devices with you when you move to Portugal? Wondering what will and what won't work? Or maybe you need to know what is and what is not available in Portugal?Set up a 1:1 call
* - Price includes 23% Portuguese value-added tax

Using a VPN for online access outside the US
30-minute online call to answer your VPN questions before you move to Portugal - €65 *
When you move outside the US, sometimes you still need to have "American" internet access for a variety of reasons. Get VPN help* - Price includes 23% Portuguese value-added tax

Combo deal - Cell phone & VPN help
60-minute online call to answer your cell phone & VPN questions before you move to Portugal - €100 *
Save with a combo on my 2 most popular topics; bringing your cell phone(s) to Portugal and setting up a VPN to access online resources back in the States. Get VPN & cell phone help* - Price includes 23% Portuguese value-added tax
Important payment information
The prices shown here include the 23% Portuguese VAT/sales tax rate.Online orders handled through the Gumroad platform.