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Looking to move to Portugal?

Need help moving to Portugal on the D7 visa or new digital nomad visa?

Moving to another country is a huge project. So many things to remember, steps to follow and important timing to coordinate. I built this planning kit to help you manage this huge project. Based on the online project and document management from, this planning kit is fully customizable and will track start dates and due dates for all of your key tasks.

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Get you Netflix, HBO Max, and other US shows in Portugal

VPN and Video Streaming Options in Portugal


Get you Netflix, HBO Max, and other US shows in Portugal

Watch your favorite TV shows
Keep your US phone number after moving to Portugal

The 2023 guide to moving to Portugal with your cellphone


Keep your US phone number after moving to Portugal

Bring your cellphone to Portugal 2023
The rest of the world uses WhatsApp, why not the US?

What the heck is WhatsApp, and why should I care?


The rest of the world uses WhatsApp, why not the US?

Find out why WhatsApp beats texting